The best way to get what you need on any day is easiest achieved by giving that very thing to someone else. No matter what your problem, if you will go out and find someone with the exact same problem and help them - you will be helped. That may seem difficult for you to imagine, because you may think if I knew how to help them, I could help myself! But this perfectly ordered universe doesn't work that way. We are all in this together, so to speak, and this method uses that principle to your benefit. So to do this, when you discover that you have a problem, ask yourself, "How can I help someone else with this same problem?" And immediatley follow up with the answer you receive.
For example, you might find yourself needing some new clients. When you ask yourself this question, you immediately think of your friend, Joe the chiropracter who you heard complaining last week of needing new clients. You call up Joe and say, "Joe, I was remembering this morning your comment last week of needing new clients. How has that been going for you?" Joe says, "Not so good. I'd like to have 10, I have 5." And let the brainstorming begin. As it turns out he wants to get hooked up with a sports medicine outfit and your neighbor 3 doors down works at one of those...and, well, you see where I'm going with this. The next day, 3 new clients walk through your door. Like magic.
You see, when you are busy helping someone else, you take the focus off your problem. And remember energy flows where focus goes. Now you are not flowing energy toward your problem and creative solutions come to you, unimagined good comes to you and things that you were expecting are free to come in. It is the great un-stopper!
Also, helping others is gratitude in action. When you practice gratitude you stay on the right side of the prosperity equation. It is important to remember in your mind your gratitude list, but ever so much more powerful is it when your action backs up your belief.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
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