Sunday, October 10, 2010

Affirmations that Work

Affirmations are powerful tools to work with for spiritual growth and overcoming. What are they exactly? Well, they are statements that affirm the truth. The truth of who you are. So when you say, "I am a worthy being" you are not making it true by saying it. Rather you are reminding yourself of, and therefore reinforcing, this truth.

Since you are already all you need to be in a given situation, (remember if you can want it, you can be it) affirmations can help boost your confidence to give you the faith to walk towards that given situation. So, how do you write an affirmation that works? Here is a simple technique for formulating your own personal affirmations from Eric Butterworth:

  1. Write a few sentences describing your problem or need.
  2. Transpose these words into a description of how you think things ought to be.
  3. Transpose each "ought-to-be" statement into an affirmative "I AM" declaration.

For example:

  1. "My body is afflicted with this disease."
  2. "My body ought to be alive and well, the expression of perfect Life and Health."
  3. "I AM perfect Life and Health, and my body is now alive and well, the dynamic expression of perfect Life and Health!"

Take the resulting affirmation into your meditation and speak these words of Truth. They, then, become a projection of great power, imbued with the energy of Spirit. Now you have the formula. The next step is to practice it.

You can also read affirmations someone else has written to see if they resonate with you. When an affirmation rings true for you, then you know it will help you. Here's some of my clients' favorites:

"All is well."

"I am the rich child of a loving father and I dare to prosper now. "

"God loves me and he has a good plan for my life."

"I am Whole, Perfect and Complete!"
"I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life."

"I love and accept myself exactly as I am."

If you'd like a list of Catherine Ponder affirmations that may resonate with you, click here.