Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Power of Forgivness

There is only one reason to forgive. It's for ourselves. We are the only ones who suffer when we choose to hold on to resentment or condemnation or judgment of another. And it's not just to better our lot in life to forgive others, it is to prevent hardship to come upon us!

You see, we do not get away with unforgiveness. As (one of my absolute faves) Eric Butterworth puts it: "We may feel that it is too much to ask us to forgive those who have deliberately and spitefully used us. Don't we have a right to our indignation and bitterness? Yes, you have a right. But you also have the responsibility to accept what happens as a result. You have to pay the price for a broken connection in the Divine Circuit."

There is not ever a good enough reason to give away your peace and your freedom. Resenting someone or something is like chaining yourself to them - you cannot be free. Forgiveness is the key that lets it go.

And forgiveness gets you back in the prosperous flow. Holding on to judgments and resentments blocks your flow. Sometimes it's been blocked (at least partially) for a long time. And that's why people often get dramatic results right away when they begin this practice of forgiveness. Things you've been wanting for a long time get freed up to come to you when you truly apply this practice. And you never have to say a word to anyone about it.

So determine right now that you will forgive everyone and yourself, too. Take a sheet of paper and write down anyone you feel resentment for, or judge or are just irritated by. Review it everyday and speak words of forgiveness and release for anyone on the list.

If you find someone to be particularly hard to let go of, imagine them in your mind's eye in front of you in a room, or up on a stage with you alone in the audience. Imagine what they would say to gain your forgiveness. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me." Things like that until you feel the release of forgiving them. Powerful stuff!

Practice this daily for just two weeks (15 minutes per day is good) and watch the amazing results. You'll unblock your flow and you'll feel better in the process.


  1. Thanks for the thoughts on forgiveness and the suggestion concerning a practice of forgiveness. DrLenCruz

  2. Great post! I have recently been practicing the Ho'oponopono method of release and forgiveness and am amazed at how quickly daily forgiveness work can shift my perspective and the energy around me! Thank you for the great reminder!
