Monday, May 17, 2010

The Case for Faith

Faith and fear have the same definition: “belief in something that hasn’t happened yet.” Most of us practice fear a lot more than we practice faith. We imagine (sometime in great detail) the things we fear happening to us. We speak about our “worst fear” coming true or we speak fear for others, under the guise of “warnings.”

And it’s not totally our fault. We are set up for this kind of behavior by our society, drenched as it is in the media – 90% of which is negative and fear-based. What we don’t realize is that the news is only a VERY small portion of what is happening in our world. Most of us are living in well-being – so the media is just not a fair representation.

We know that our thoughts (and words) are creative so it behooves us to switch our attention to what we WANT to see happen in our lives. And then have faith that it will come. That’s the belief in something that hasn’t happened yet.

So how do we practice faith? The first way is to recognize when you have had faith and it paid off. Notice when you believed…and you were right! Acknowledge faith working in your life by being grateful for what has manifested in your life.

The second way to increase faith is through study. So many wonderful books have been written on this subject such as “God Works through Faith” by Robert Russell and “Sermon on the Mount” by Emmet Fox and “Discover the Power Within You” by Eric Butterworth. Sometimes it is easier to absorb a lesson when you are looking at it from another’s point of view. Each new book will expand your knowledge but it is up to you to apply what you are learning with practice. And practicing faith means BELIEVING in what you are not yet seeing.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Truth about Abundance

The truth is abundance is all around us. When we really open our eyes to the rich abundance that surrounds us, we begin to see more of it. It's that same old adage: What we focus upon expands. So if you will look for more abundance, you will find more abundance.

This is deceptively simple, of course. The reason that more people don't do it, is because we have not been trained in thought control. We've been trained to observe what is and put our attention on that. (and it expands, naturally) If it's something bad, when it enlarges - we pay even more attention to it! And so it goes, the story of many many people's lives.

The trick is mind control. If we could only focus on the abundance in our lives and/or the abundance we want to see in our lives, life would unfold as a series of predictable miracles. But life gets in the way and demands our attention and oops! now we are off the dream.

You can't monitor every thought. It's literally impossilbe to do so because we have tens of thousands of thoughts each day. But we can notice the way we feel. If you feel bad, emotionally, you know you are thinking a thought that is not good for you. Bless those emotions because they are your connection to those thoughts that are racing by you. They are like the thought police, pulling you over when your thinking has gone awry.

Then reach for a higher thought. When your emotions alert you to a negative thought pattern, you can't just eradicate the thought from your head. (unless you can and then by all means do!) So the best thing to do is reach for a better thought, one that is beleiveable to you, acceptable to you. One that makes you feel better! You may have to try a few on before one sticks, but all you are looking to do is feel a little better.

Then get back focused on your abundant life. Becaue if you can dream it - you can have it. Don't let the negative thoughts hamper you - reach for a better one. And then from the good-feeling place look for your abundance. And then it must come.