Monday, August 23, 2010

How to Be Joyful

Here's the question that I want to pose to you today. What are the components to living a happy and joyful life? I was asked this question by a friend and after much consideration, I came up with these top 3 for me. What are your top 3?

Living in the present
Accepting what is going on right now in my life is the gateway to freedom. When I just accept that whatever I have going on JUST IS and it’s okay, the grip of resistance is loosed and change is free to take place. Resisting (or resenting or regretting) my present circumstances is sure to guarantee that they stay.

Years ago, my heart was broken by a man who wanted something different, while I wanted him. I tried with all my will to alter that hollow feeling, that echo in my head of “he doesn’t want me.” I knew that if this was happening to me that I had attracted it. And that can be a hard pill to swallow. But when I made peace with that fact -- that I had brought this incredible pain to my doorstep -- there must be a gift inside there somewhere for me. Napoleon Hill says: “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Aha!

***Three very helpful tools in staying in the present are: faith (someone Higher than you is in charge), affirmations (reminding yourself of your truth) and forgiveness. (everyone is doing the best they can)

Reaching for higher understanding
Without prayer and meditation, life is limited to this physical experience. And while this earth has many blessings and opportunities for joy, it is only a small part of the big picture. Meditation is not only, at times, a blissful experience, it actually conditions your mind for smoother sailing in your waking hours. Meditation is a time for no thought. It is a time to merge yourself with Source. (or God, or pure positive energy or Universe) Prayer is the open communication with your Higher Power. That’s where you speak, ask, wonder and then listen. There are many forms of both of these practices, all of them good if they are connecting you with your Maker. And all can increase your joy.

Helping others
It just feels so darn good to help others. I’ve been a volunteer all my life as well as choosing a profession that focuses on helping others. For me, I believe it is part of my life’s purpose. And I can tell because, well, it feels so darn good while I am doing it. (God’s little hint, eh?) Helping others is gratitude in action and when you are doing it, it’s impossible to focus on yourself. It is the surest way to get out of your own pain – lifting up another.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mind Control (Can you do it?)

You have the power to change your mind.
This is not news to most of us. For one, we have experienced it first hand. We make decisions every day about everything from which toothpaste we use to wearing a seat belt or not. Think about the brand of toothpaste you use. Is it the same as you've always used? When did it change and why? Somewhere in there you made a decision and it stuck.

These are rather simple decisions that we don't pay a lot of attention to, we just make them. But what about the changes we want to make that come harder... like quitting smoking or exercising regularly? The decisions to change these habits may be a bit more challenging...

Many books have been written and energy expended on the subject of Thought Control, but probably none as intriguing as Richard Bandler's work on NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming. (see Get the Life You Want by Bandler) His idea is to just recode the brain to elicit the responses, and therefore change our behavior, to what we really want.

So, you want a healthy body, and you know that regular exercise will give it you, but you don't feel like doing the exercise. Now what? What if you could recode yourself to love, look forward to, even relish every part of the exercise process? That way as you are putting on your running shoes, you feel good. As you leave the house, you feel better. As you hit the track you feel elation. Amazing, eh?

We love to imagine that things will take place in our lives by magic, but Bandler says this is the magic! That you can decide the course, code your brain for success and then go live it.

Worth a try, I'd say...